Certificate of Interested Parties

https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/Vendor contracts approved by the City Council AND/OR contracts in excess of one million dollars must submit Form 1295 to the City Secretary.


Effective January 1, 2016 there is now a requirement for Certificates of Interested Persons (Form 1295) to be filed with the city secretaries and they in turn electronically file notice with the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC). 

The TEC website is https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/

Summary of new law: 

1.       All contracts that must be approved by the city council must be given a contract tracking number.        

2.       Vendors or business entities (but not other governmental entities) must be given the Form 1295 and directed to fill it out.

3.       The Form 1295 must be signed by an authorized person from the business entity and notarized.

4.       The Form 1295 must be submitted to the city secretary.

5.        The city secretary must in turn electronically file the notice of the Form 1295 to the Texas Ethics Commission at its website:  https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/

6.       The city secretary must electronically file all such forms within 30 days of the contract approval.

7.        Form 1295 will be executed by the Vendor and filed with the City Secretary prior to the Contract being executed.


Vendor Training and Registration

Form 1295:

Step One - Set up Account

For a video detailing how you register your company for the first time with the Texas Ethics Commission go to:



Step Two - Create Certificate Form 1295

For a video detailing how to create a Form 1295, following registration go to:



To complete your Form 1295 you will need to obtain a Contract Tracking Number from the City of Burnet City Secretary at (512) 715-3209 or via email at citysecretary@cityofburnet.com


You will print out your completed Certificate – Form 1295 and have it notarized.  The Form 1295 will then be submitted to the City of Burnet City Secretary for acknowledgment of the Certificate.